New Volunteer Orientation
Contact us at for the date and time of the next training session.
New Volunteer Orientation Summary:
1. Context: History of Radio, Public Broadcasting, Community Radio & WERU
2. Philosophy: WERU Mission & Operating Principles
3. Governance: Organizational/Operational Structure & Decision-making Process
4. Development: WERU Budget, Fundraising & Outreach Overview
5. Programming: Schedule Overview, Programming Decision-making Process & WERU Programmer Responsibilities
6. Volunteer Training: Programming/Production Classes (sign-up) & Steps to “Getting On-the-Air” for New Volunteers
7. Volunteer Opportunities Summary (On-air & Behind-the-Scenes)
Individuals who are interested in being on the air and have attended an orientation session are then eligible for training to become a programmer (or at least to check it out).
On-Air Volunteer Training Summary:
For DJs:
1. Audio Equipment & Software
2. Broadcast Policies & Procedures
3. Individual Practice, Shadowing & Coaching (by staff and experienced volunteers)
4. After completing training new volunteers may substitute host someone else’s program &/or submit a proposal for a program of their own.
For Public Affairs Hosts and News Reporters:
- Individualized training in the fundamentals of community radio journalism
- Field recording, interviewing and audio editing (for news reporters)
- Observation of experienced hosts and practice hosting (for public affairs host)
Note: All training takes place at WERU in East Orland.
Interested? Get started by contacting
We invite you to take the training… No commitment required!