The Common Ground Country Fair will take place on September 20th through the 22nd, at the MOFGA fairgrounds in Unity, and WERU Community Radio will certainly be there! We’ll have an outreach booth adjacent to the Common, where you can visit with our volunteers and staff, learn about the radio station, and buy WERU T-shirts and hats. We’ll even gladly accept donations if you’d like to make one!
In addition, we’ll broadcast the keynote speeches live, over the airwaves and internet, each day from 11 to 12. The talk titles are as follows: Landscapes Lost on Friday; What if We Get it Right?: Visions of Climate Futures on Saturday; and Farming in the Face of Climate Change on Sunday.
Join WERU at the Common Ground Country Fair – in-person, on the air, and online – live. All thanks to your support!